WooCommerce Subscription Plugin Won’t Update with Update Manager, Even After Purchase

The Error

If you have the error ” Version 6.3.2 is available. To enable this update you need to purchase a new subscription.  ” even after you’ve JUST purchased a subscription, READ THIS.

Do NOT go through the hassle of support or purchasing again.  In my case, it was a $309USD recent purchase and obviously a bug on the WooCommerce Updates Manager part to ask me to re-purchase.  They are going through some growing pains clearly as they try to wrestle with how to generate cash flows through subscriptions using the WordPress system.

Anywho, here’s what the error looks like even after syncing my website to my WooCommerce Account:


The Solution

1) manually go download the plugin again via your account, since you purchased the plugin, you will get the latest version as you download

2) manually deactivate the old version and upload the one you just downloaded.  It should look like this, viola!


Do I need to Do this Every Time?

No, I think this feature from Woo’s corp heads is too new to work.

In the future though, I would STAY AWAY from the WooCommerce-Gated-Plugin-Marketplace ecosystem if possible, the one from you “Add Plugins” button in WordPress works best and it’s not locked behind big corps’s walled-garden ideas

Peter Peng

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